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2017年3月21日 星期二

五年級第一單元作業2 解答

3/8 ~ 3/14 作業2解答。


  1. 一個星期有七天。(There are seven days in a week.)
  2. 它們是星期日、星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五和星期六。(這句可以寫成2行或3行)(They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.)
  3. 今天是星期六。(It is Saturday today.)
  4. 今天是我的生日。(Today is my birthday.)
  5. 我們在Danish Kitchen吃午餐。(We are eat lunch in Danish Kitchen.)
  6. 侍者:你好,你們午餐要吃什麼?(How are you? What do you want for lunch?)
  7. 爸爸:我要一些雞肉和咖啡。(I want some chicken and coffee.)
  8. 媽媽:我想要吃披薩和可樂。I want  some pizza and cola.
  9. 我:我要吃一個大漢飽和蘋果汁。I want a big hamburger and apple juice.
  10. 爸爸:親愛的,你想去動物園嗎?(My dear, do you want to go to the zoo?..)
  11. 我:謝謝你,爸爸。Thank  you,  father.
  12. 我們在動物園看到許多動物。(We see many animals in the zoo.)
  13. 我今天非常高興。I am very  happy today.

Coach and MVP組:請播放錄音檔,並將你聽到的寫下來,一句一行。你必須會唸你所寫的,我會抽問。
  1. AHow many days are there in a week?
  2. BThere are seven days in a week.
  3. AWhat day is today?
  4. BToday is Wednesday and it is my birthday.
  5. AHappy birthday to you.
  6. BThank you. Do you want to eat lunch with me?
  7. ASure. Where are we going?
  8. BLet’s go to the Viking Boat.
  9. AGreat! I love the restaruant.
  10. BWhat do you want for lunch?
  11. AI want two chicken legs and some cola. How about you?
  12. BI want a pizza and some juice.
  13. ALet’s have a good time.

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