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2017年3月21日 星期二

六年級第一單元作業2 解答

3/8 ~ 3/14 作業2 解答。

  1. 一年有四季。 (There are four seasons in a year.)
  2. 它們是春天、夏天、秋天和冬天。(They are spring, summer, fall, and winter.)
  3. 春天的天氣溫暖。(The weather is warm in spring.)
  4. 夏天的天氣炎熱。(The weather in summer is hot.)
  5. 秋天是涼爽和冬天寒冷。(Fall is cool and winter is cold.)
  6. 我最喜歡的季節是夏天。(My favorite season is summer.)
  7. 夏天我可以去游泳池或海灘游泳。(I can go swimming in the swimming pool or on the beach.)
  8. 我也可去和爸爸去露營和釣魚。(I can also go fishing or camping with my father.)
  9. 最好的事情是我可以吃很多冰淇淋。(The best thing is I can eat a lot of ice cream.)
  10. 你呢?(How about you?)
  11. 你最喜歡的季節是什麼?(What’s your favorite season?)

Coach and MVP 
1            Do you know when does spring begin?
2            It begins on March twenty first.
3            The weather in spring is warm and rainy in Taiwan.
4            But there are flowers everywhere.
5            Spring is my favorite season of the year.
6            Summer begins on June twenty first.
7            This is the students’ favorite season.
8            Because summer vacation is coming.
9            They can go swimming and go camping.
10          But summer is very hot in Taiwan.
     11          I don’t like summer.  

